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The Benefits of Rose in Skincare

Benefit of rose in skincare

What is the benefit of using rose in skincare? Sure, it has the most divine fragrance, but there is so much more to the universally recognised rose.  So why is rose good for skin?

The ancient Greeks and Romans used rose petals to perfume their baths. They highly valued roses and decorated the floors of their banquet halls with rose petals. In distilled forms, roses have been included in cosmetics, medicines, and therapeutic treatments for centuries.

Here at Three Gems, we use rosa damascene absolute, which comes from Bulgaria in our rose body butter, along with other 100% natural rose oils. It is this that gives it that “real rose” fragrance.

An absolute is the most concentrated form of fragrance and is highly regarded in natural perfumery. Absolutes differ from essential oils in that they contain not only essential oil, but also a higher density of colouring, waxes, and other plant constituents that are of benefit to our skin.

Rose oil is one of the most beloved essential oils. It’s also one of the most expensive as the petals need to be carefully handpicked and 30 roses produce only 1 drop of essential oil – that’s around 600 roses to make a single millilitre!

Rose is ideal to soothe and hydrate dry sensitive skin and is especially beneficial for mature skin to soften, revitalise and calm redness. It has a variety of vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals, and also has astringent properties, making it an excellent combatant of acne, redness, and inflammation.

A beautiful and hard-working plant, the rose is:


Naturally antibacterial rose oil makes can be helpful in treating acne and acne-prone skin.


While we may traditionally think of roses for their deep red colour, rose oils may actually help reduce swollen spots or redness on your skin. Its calming properties may also help soothe rosacea and eczema.

You can create a calming face mask from roses. Simply soak about 8 petals in 3-4 tablespoons of water for 2-3 hours. Then mash the petals into the water and add 3 tablespoons of honey. Mix well, then apply to your face. Leave on for anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse with tepid water.


Roses contain high amounts of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin can help protect skin cells from damage caused by environmental factors (the sun, heat, etc.)


The natural oils found in roses help lock moisture into the skin, keeping it feeling smooth. Rose is especially beneficial for those with sensitive skin because the natural plant sugars in its petals create a soothing feeling.

Naturally fragrant

Many organic beauty products choose to include rose for its delicate aroma in lieu of artificial fragrances.


When used aromatically, the rose calms and soothes the mind. Rose petals are used in Ayurvedic medicine to detoxify and calm. While this characteristic doesn’t directly add beauty benefits, it certainly makes rose-scented lotion, cream, or body butter an extra pleasant experience.

Get your Rose Body Butter here today

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